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Pediatric Eye Physicians

Myopia Management

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a common vision problem that causes difficulty seeing objects that are far away. Rates of myopia are increasing in children with increased time spent indoors and increased near work, such as screen time. High levels of myopia are associated with an increased risk of vision-threatening eye conditions in adulthood, such as glaucoma and retinal detachment. A combination of lifestyle modifications and treatment options are now available to slow the progression of myopia. 

Lifestyle modifications

  • Evidence suggests that increased time outdoors is associated with lower rates of myopia. We encourage kids to get outside to play for at least an hour a day.
  • Spending sustained periods of time doing up close work, such as screen time, may make myopia progress faster. We encourage parents to limit children's overall screen time when possible. Additionally, we encourage the 20/20/20 rule. After 20 minutes of looking up close, children should pause and look at an object in the distance (20 feet away) for 20 seconds before resuming up close work.
  • For children whose myopia is progressing more rapidly or who have a family history of high myopia, a medical or optical intervention, such as low dose atropine or MiSight contact lenses, may be appropriate. 

Medical and Optical Interventions

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